What does it mean to be living in Bali?

How many times have you caught yourself thinking, “I wish I could travel to…”.

That’s right, so did we.

But what if I won’ have any money, but what if I won’t find a job, but what if…?

Congratulations, you’ve just joined “what if club”. We were in this club for quite some time, questioning ourselves millions of questions without having any real answers.

The thing is – you don’t need them.

We decided that living in Bali is bigger than our fears of losing jobs, statuses, and money.

We were ready to face the “BIG CHANGE”. You know what? It was not that big after all.


So, where to start? Let’s see!


Find a remote job

No! You don’t need to be an IT specialist for that. There are plenty of remote jobs with entry level. You’d be surprised what you can do online! So you think money won’t be as good?

Think again!


Choose the season

Bali has two seasons: wet and dry. 

The wet season starts at the end of October and lasts until about March. The rest of the year is the dry season.

What are the advantages of going to Bali during the wet season? Lower prices and fewer crowds.

While during the dry season, every day is a sunny day – you pay for it.


Find your dream place

We've all seen these jungle villas and beach houses that seem too good to be true.

Well, guess what? They are not! If you start looking for a place well in advance, take our word, you'll soon be posting pics from infinity pools!


Grab your film camera 

That's right, Bali is a perfect scene to do all those nostalgic, grainy photos. Palms, coconuts, tiny little jungle roads are all waiting for you! Make sure you have more than just one film!


Stock up on sun-screen cream

Bali is pretty sunny, and don't think you can deal with Bali's sun because you are a little tanned already (so wrong).

Get your sunscreen cream ready and always have it with you unless you are in for some sleepless nights!


Stay comfy

There is one rule while living in Bali - always stay comfy. So walk barefoot as much as you can, hop on your scooter to your morning yoga class, and have brunch in one of many tropical cafes. And do it all in your comfy uniform.

Because let us tell you this, the only thing you want to feel while in Bali is freedom. 

Freedom to do things. Freedom to be however you want to be. Freedom to simply be free.



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